What Are White Dots On Breasts?
When are we going to become mothers, many questions arise. Some are very frequent and relate to everything that has to do with breastfeeding. Knowing in detail the changes that ours will go through is fundamental. This will allow you to acquire the tools to face these changes and walk through the path of motherhood with joy. All women who are living the sweet wait should know what white dots are on their breasts. They are small, shiny, and light pink in color. In general, they become inflamed if the small breast does not take breaks, then deflate without further complications.
Once the breastfeeding session is over, the nipple takes on a whitish color and this is normal
The ducts through which the liquid exits form small milk balls that have become clogged, and their size varies throughout the day. They can appear when the baby closes his mouth vigorously and throws his head back, disentangling himself from the breast.
Causes of white dots on breasts
These lumps can appear spontaneously or are caused by an infection or breast obstruction. What to do about these discomforts?
- Breastfeeding in a comfortable position for both mother and baby
- The mother can take oral anti-inflammatory drugs, indicated by the doctor, if necessary.
- The treatment is the same as for breast obstruction.
- They are usually heat treated on site.
The constant action of breastfeeding and the experience of observing the milk balls really show us what they are
What symptoms should we be concerned about with the appearance of white dots on the breasts?
In some cases we have warning symptoms such as fever or severe inflammation. This happens when the white dots on the breasts are persistent or appear frequently. These symptoms make an immediate laboratory examination necessary. In such cases, experts will recommend some antibiotic treatment.
These white spots usually hurt, cause intense itching, and a burning sensation. Despite these signs of discomfort, they are not considered serious. However, if they are not treated by doctors and in due time, they can cause more serious problems.
In most cases, these pellets change shape or become inflamed due to a microbial breast disease, producing subacute mastitis. They develop into a type of mastitis that doesn’t have the typical symptoms: fever, pain in one part of the breast, redness or inflammation of the entire breast.
Pathogenic bacteria have the ability to form biofilms, that is, they attach themselves to the ducts and, together with calcium residues, obstruct these channels responsible for the passage of liquid.
Advice to follow
We recommend that you follow the following advice:
- Normally, from the moment the white dots appear on our nipples, a scab forms that will break off in 5 to 7 days. It will be the baby, through suction, who will magically make these balls disappear.
- It’s very important never to fall asleep while nursing your baby, as he or she can drown, suck on the nipple wrongly, and immediately trigger acute mastitis.
- If the ball is thicker and more visible, it is ideal to apply a little heat to the area, in order to soften the hard texture (crust) and make it come out more easily.
- One way to drain the sinus is to press the nipple so that the clogged duct releases fluid. Then, you should put the baby to nurse, leaving it, when suckling, to finish emptying the duct.
- There are cases of pellets that are of bacterial origin. These are often deep. They usually affect the entire breast duct. Faced with this type of pellets, it is recommended to seek a doctor immediately. It will indicate whether you should stop or continue breastfeeding and advise on antibiotic treatment. Follow-up is necessary to avoid future complications.
- When breastfeeding, you need to take special care with hand and nipple hygiene, this will prevent infections.
- Try to breastfeed in a quiet place where you and your baby are as relaxed and comfortable as possible.
Breastfeeding is synonymous with love for your baby
It is necessary that our children are exclusively breastfed for 6 months. From this age to 2 years, breastfeeding should be combined with conventional feeding. This will provide the nutrients needed for your baby’s healthy growth and development.
From the moment they are born, when feeding colostrum for the first time, an emotionally dependent relationship between mother and baby begins.
Breastfeeding is a wonderful experience, even more so when done with love and dedication.