These Tips Will Help You Understand Your Baby

Understanding your baby between the ages of 0 and 2 years is a complex task for many mothers.
These tips will help you understand your baby

Don’t forget that little ones are just beginning to develop their communication skills and may even feel frustrated if they are not understood by their parents.

However, there are ways to make a child feel more understood. It’s not always easy, but we have to make an effort, because the little one will thank you and so will we, since the environment in which the child will live and grow will be much more suitable and productive.

How To Understand Your Baby

Below, we’ll list a series of techniques that will help you understand your baby. In this way, you will reduce tears and tantrums and will create a more conducive environment for optimal development.

use empathy

When the baby is born, you must never forget that it is YOUR baby. That is, he is somehow part of you. He has your genes and will be brought up in the environment you created for him. So there is no doubt that exercising empathy will be much easier. You just have to watch your personality and your partner’s so that it’s easier to try to understand the little one.

Don’t forget that children are born with a particular genetic code, inherited from their parents. They also learn by watching and imitating adults. Clearly, empathizing with them is relatively easy. You just have to look at yourself to find many of the child’s attitudes and abilities that seem to be copied from us.

Also, a good exercise is to try to remember how we were as children. This activity will help us not only connect with our child selves, but also with our children. That way , let us discover your wants, needs and attachments. If you want to understand him well, then you will have to try to think like him. This will greatly improve communication.

understand your baby

Make a close observation

As we said, children learn through observation and imitation. But also by trial and error. So, to understand your baby, don’t miss any details. Take the first few months to observe it and learn more about it.

You need to know how he behaves, what he needs, how he relates to the environment where he lives, how he plays, what he likes, what he finds funny, which things make him laugh and which ones make him afraid… That it means that we have to observe every detail of his personality.

By watching our child, it will be much easier to understand why there are things he doesn’t like, why he cries under certain circumstances, what makes him happier, etc. In that way, we will be able to understand you much better. We will also be able to change certain attitudes and thus offer a space more suited to your needs.

understand your baby

trial, error and learning

As for science, trial, error and learning are the basis of human evolution. When you feel your baby trying to say something, whether through crying, or trying to speak in unintelligible words, you have to try to unravel the mystery, as if you were a scientist.

First, go discarding options. Find out if the problem could be related to your health. Touch your forehead, observe your whole body to try to detect anything strange, read to see what problems might exist based on your age… Or find out if it’s a simple tantrum, a yearning, a desire or a frustrated communication…

Once the lessons are learned, use the knowledge to apply it to each situation. In other words, if your child once cried because he had a stomachache, keep this detail in mind. Maybe he’s already gotten angry because you picked up a toy or because he doesn’t like some food. Anyway, learn from each situation.

Discover all the details with the different types of crying, the often incompressible words, the attitudes, gestures, movements . In the same way that children learn by observing and imitating our behaviors, we must also observe to understand them better each day.

In fact, understanding your baby can be a cinch if you know how to go about it. Remember to be very patient, observant, empathetic, caring, and understanding. And in a short time you will have created an excellent environment for mutual learning and your child will grow up healthy, happy, happy and independent like no one else.

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