Renal Pielectasis In Babies
Renal pielectasis is basically a mild contraction of the renal pelvis with or without dilation of the calyxes. It develops in a small funnel-shaped structure in the body that drains or collects urine from the kidney to the ureter, which are the tubes that carry urine to the bladder.
In certain situations, this can cause flow obstruction. The consequence of this is increased pressure in the body, which in turn increases the pelvis.
The number of cases of renal pielectasis in infants varies. Girls are less likely to develop kidney abnormalities. However, in most male patients, this condition disappears when they reach six months of age.
Therefore, regardless of the baby’s gender, a responsible attitude is needed to make the diagnosis and treatment. Despite the frequency of renal pielectasis in infants, it is difficult to find a relationship with the mother’s illnesses or with the medication the mother takes.
What can cause kidney pielectasis in babies?
Some factors that can cause kidney pielectasis in babies are as follows:
- Reflux, when urine returns to the kidney.
- Obstruction in the urinary system.
- The ureter is made up of very narrow tubes or there is an obstruction in a passage.
- Premature birth
- Urinary tract infection
Also, there may be other factors. Often, the presence of renal pielectasis in infants is caused by general weakness and the presence of neurological problems.
Symptoms of kidney pielectasis in babies
If you notice any of these symptoms, it is important to take your child to the pediatrician as he or she may be suffering from renal pielectasis. Note if there is a significant rise in body temperature and regular pain in the abdomen. Also, in most cases, the flow of urine is interrupted.
These symptoms only appear in the later stages or when complications occur. Therefore, it is important to act quickly.
How can renal pielectasis be detected?
It is detected using prenatal ultrasound and classified according to the degree of dilation. For example, it can be mild (-10mm), moderate (between 11 and 15mm) and severe (+15mm).
If the baby is not properly treated, he or she may be susceptible to a large number of conditions that affect children’s kidneys. That’s why it’s necessary to have regular exams, including ultrasound.
Many babies who suffer from renal pielectasis have an increased level of pressure on the organs and their functionality reduced. One type of complication is pyelonephritis, that is, inflammation of the kidney tissues.
If you notice any of these symptoms in your baby, do not give medications yourself. On the contrary, go to the doctor immediately, as the specialist will be able to carry out an examination and give the correct diagnosis.
When do I need to undergo surgery?
Surgery is necessary when the ureter does not have a normal building system and cannot be cured with medication. Surgery is also necessary when there is an excessive increase in the dynamic growth of the renal pelvis, both left and right.
In other cases, surgery is resorted to when the baby has complications. These measures are used to eliminate the effects of childhood reflux. This procedure frees the flow of urinary excretion.
Treatment against kidney pielectasis in babies
Unfortunately, there is no magic recipe for solving the problem before the baby is born. However, ultrasound helps prepare for the possibility of various discomforts your child may experience.
Lack of treatment during pregnancy can lead to very serious consequences, such as fetal death.
Later, when the child grows up, the organs are subject to change, and then these can be moved to the right place. In that case, the symptoms of the disease disappear.
Finally, always take your baby to the pediatrician. Once the causes of the formation of renal pielectasis in babies have been identified, the provider will be able to recommend treatment. In most cases, treatment consists of taking medication and physical therapy.