Is It Possible To Follow A Vegetarian Diet While Pregnant?

If you are a vegetarian and pregnant or planning to become pregnant soon, you may be concerned that your diet could harm your baby. In this article, we will answer the main questions that arise about the diets of expectant mothers.

Women who have a diet that does not contain meat find themselves at a crossroads when facing pregnancy. Many of them have doubts about the possible negative consequences that a vegetarian diet can generate when pregnant. Is it dangerous?

The recommendation is that any type of diet has its risks if you don’t have balance in your setup. This means that consuming too much meat can be very harmful to your health. Likewise, abstaining from them may not be a good idea for your body either.

During pregnancy, doubts and questions intensify. This makes perfect sense, since during pregnancy the mother’s nutritional needs vary greatly from the rest of her life.

What should the pregnant woman’s diet count on?

During pregnancy, there are two elemental functions that the mother’s organism performs. The first is to protect the growing fetus and encourage its maturation; the other is to take care of the mother’s well-being. 

For this, you must have all the nutrients that are good for the body:

  • Proteins:  they are very important for the formation of tissues, muscles and bones.
  • Carbohydrates:  provide the energy needed for this moment of so much wear.
  • Vitamins and minerals: they  are essential complements to the main nutrients mentioned above.
  • Folic Acid:  Among many other functions, it serves to create red blood cells and prevents problems such as megaloblastic anemia and possible miscarriages.

Taking into account what we have already mentioned, foods such as lean meats, eggs, fish, vegetables, dried fruits and cereals are recommended. 

Dairy products are also needed and, of course, water and low-sugar liquids. Finally, fruits and vegetables should be abundant in a pregnant woman’s diet.

pregnant eating

Risks of a vegetarian diet being pregnant

Following a vegetarian diet while pregnant can cause certain deficiencies. This must be avoided. The ideal is to seek professional help to help you plan food according to what you intend, but at the same time covering both yours and the baby’s needs.

If you do not follow these recommendations, you are likely to develop the following complications:

1. Lack of iron

For pregnant women who do not consume meat, it  is important to make the best use of the iron that is consumed. This does not imply an obligation to consume more, but rather to absorb more.

The human body tends to easily assimilate iron from animal foods. However, this is not the case with proteins of plant origin.

This point is essential, since  iron performs very important functions during pregnancy: it  contributes to the growth of the fetus, helps reduce fatigue and symptoms of pregnancy, and prevents iron deficiency anemia, among other things.

Recommended foods:  soy and its derivatives, bran and spinach, in addition to other foods containing vitamin C.

2. Lack of protein

By not consuming meat, it is important to ingest protein through other types of food. The nutrient is essential as it participates in the construction of tissues, muscles and bones. Furthermore, it fulfills the tasks of regulation and metabolism.

Therefore, a woman who follows a vegetarian diet while pregnant should try to consume protein through two types of foods:

  • Those of animal origin: eggs, milk, etc.
  • Those of vegetable origin: vegetables, nuts and cereals.

3. Absence of other necessary nutrients

In addition to the nutrients already mentioned, it  is also the mother’s obligation to incorporate zinc during pregnancy. This mineral serves to process proteins, in addition to composing enzymes that improve brain activity.

maternity food

Another essential nutrient is calcium. This substance is very important and should be consumed approximately one thousand milligrams daily at this stage of a woman’s life. It is essential for the formation of the baby’s bones and to prevent problems with the mother’s bones. It can be found:

  • In almonds.
  • in the hazelnuts
  • in the nuts
  • in broccoli
  • in parsley
  • in seaweed
  • in the cabbage
  • In raw fruits and vegetables

Lastly, it is necessary to mention vitamins. Many doctors recommend vitamin supplements for pregnant women. This is because they collaborate in many processes in the body, depending on the type of vitamin involved. Vitamins can also be consumed in natural fruit and vegetable juices.

In conclusion,  we can state that it is perfectly feasible to maintain a vegetarian diet while pregnant. However, it is necessary to pay attention to certain specific requirements. They, without fail, should be analyzed and supplied with the help of a professional in the field of nutrition.

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