How To Put The Baby To Burp And Relieve Cramps?

Although not all babies suffer from colic, many of them experience such discomforts. The mothers of these children must know how to relieve them

How to put the baby to burp and relieve colic  ?  This is a question that most mothers ask themselves daily and maybe right now you are in that group.

If you took your child to the pediatrician, he examined him and ruled out any other ailments, we as a mother are glad to hear that.

Yes, we are glad that if your child cries it is because they have colic, rather than various illnesses they may suffer, as colic can be remedied with love and some simple techniques.

Today we’ll teach you how to burp and soothe your baby whenever you feel bad.

What does baby colic mean?

The first thing you should know is that newborn cramps are painful contractions in the abdomen.

These contractions usually occur during the first 12 weeks of life and can last up to 2 to 3 hours.  Although, not in all cases, cramps are more prevalent during dusk.


How can I tell if my baby has colic?

A baby with colic has noticeable symptoms as soon as the pain starts:
– Crying insistently. He curls up, clenches his fists and turns red in the face. Even if you try, it can’t calm you down – Your sleep is restless. The baby can’t sleep, or wakes up with moans after he’s finished sleeping
– The belly gets tight
So if you notice any of these signs in your newborn, it’s likely that you are suffering from colic.

How can I relieve you?

One of the most effective remedies for a newborn’s crying is the warmth and affection of its mother.

If you know your baby is suffering from colic, pick him up, kiss him, cuddle him, sing to him and start talking sweetly.

Then follow these tips:

  • Lift your baby up and place his head on your shoulder or chest to remain upright. This is the best position to eliminate gas from your belly.
  • Some colicky babies don’t want the breast, even when it’s time to breastfeed ; for others, however, skin-to-skin contact is very effective in receiving much-needed breast milk. Try it and see if it works.
  • If your baby loves to bathe this can be a good way to relieve him. Don’t change your routine, take a bath with warm water and see if you feel more comfortable that way.
  • See if your baby prefers quiet or some sounds. If he prefers the first, ensure a calm environment during the period of pain and if he prefers the other, the noise of the washing machine and refrigerator can work.
  • Gently massage your baby’s abdomen, always watching their reaction. If you’re afraid of hurting him, choose to flex his legs and bring them to your tummy. Another technique indicated to help expel gas is to perform the movement “riding a bicycle” Alternating your legs and gently bringing them to your belly.
  • Do not give the baby any medication or infusion even if another mother has recommended it. Remember that from you he only needs milk to live and develop; let your pediatrician prescribe any additional substances.
  • Make your baby burp right after the feed because he always swallows air when he suckles at the breast. Place it on your shoulder and massage your back from the bottom up until you make it burp.
  • Walk him around the house and take him to an outdoor patio for some fresh air. You can also put him in the car and take a little walk. Many babies calm down with movement.

How to put the baby to burp and relieve colic?

As you may have noticed, making the baby burp doesn’t require  learning any special techniques. All you have to do is pay due attention and help him to get through these very irritating moments in the best way.

If your baby doesn’t calm down, change position. Lay him on his back, carry him so that he remains upright, then lay him down again but face down, carry him again by resting his little head on your elbow in order to put him in different places. positions.

The movement will also help to expel the gases.

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