How To Help A Child Feel Good

Childhood is a phase of construction and formation of personality and mentality traits. As parents, we must teach children attitudes that make them feel good.
How to help a child feel good

Feeling good is a very broad term and it certainly varies according to each person’s interpretation. However, we can say that there are some “requirements” necessary to be able to reach this status.

Next, we’ll look at what this means for children and how we can help a child feel good.

A person’s happiness and self-fulfillment depend on many aspects. Each step in a child’s development and growth will, in the long run, shape the kind of person he will be and the way he will relate to others. Furthermore, it will impact the child’s current way of life.

As parents, we are responsible for this construction. Every action we take with regard to the education and growth of our children is like a brick that, along with many others, end up forming a building with certain characteristics.

You will, of course, ask yourself what is the best way to make possible a pleasant and positive growth for your child. From now on, we say that this is not an easy task. However, we will try to provide guidance on how to help a child feel good.

Essential Factors to Help a Child Feel Good

As we’ve already said, there are many edges that make up a person’s physical, psychological and emotional well-being. Here we will focus on some aspects that we should focus on if we are to help a child feel good.


A person who values ​​himself and believes in his possibilities is sure to feel much better than someone who doesn’t. It is fundamental for the purposes of life to think that someone is capable of surpassing himself and beyond his own limits. 

This positive thinking will encourage the child to believe that he or she can accomplish a goal. In addition, this will have an extremely beneficial effect on your problem-solving ability and on your social relationships.

A person who values ​​himself is also capable of valuing those around him.

the good values

Conveying what it is to be a good person and how to achieve it is essential when trying to help a child feel good.

How to help a child feel good

Because? Because by doing that, people will like her  and she will always have someone to turn to and trust when she needs it. This social acceptance can only be achieved by offering others what we want to receive.

For this reason, it is important to foster the development of the following values:

  • Kindness.
  • Gratitude.
  • Understanding.
  • Tolerance to differences.
  • Tranquility and harmony. 


A child who can take care of himself is a person who will develop confidence, self-esteem, and problem-solving skills.

Furthermore, even though it seems contradictory, autonomy also favors teamwork, as a person who is confident of his possibilities receives constructive criticism from those around him with a better predisposition.

For a child to have more autonomy, it is important that parents are not constant problem solvers.

This is not to say that we should let go of their hands so they can fend for themselves. The best thing is to guide them, but let them think, try and even get them wrong sometimes. 

parental affection

It is almost impossible for self-confidence to exist if there has not previously been a bond of affection that claims a child’s worth and abilities. Parents must seek, through dialogue and also through example, that the child feels listened to and, above all, loved.

Reproofs, complaints, reprimands and prohibitions do nothing more than damage a child’s self-image.

Although it is necessary to set limits, one should always look for the most pleasant and explanatory way to communicate something. In the end, the intention is not to prohibit, but to leave a teaching and a path.

How to help a child feel good

life goals

Having a clear course and, if possible, a plan to get there is vitally important to achieving our goals in life. That success is what makes a person feel fulfilled.

However, not everything focuses on pursuing these goals. As much or more important than this is the path chosen. Reaching the goal with suffering and pain only makes that once reached a feeling of emptiness and the need to seek another.

If, on the contrary, the path is taken to achieve the goal, satisfaction will be complete.

Lastly, we must remember that this is not a magic recipe. Each child is unique, as is their mentality, personality and environment. 

However, it will never be a bad thing if these recommendations are applied. Once again, it is worth clarifying that well-being is a balance that rests on many foundations, all of which are important. 

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