How To Calculate Conception Date?

Gestational age is understood as the period that encompasses the entire conception process. That is, the process that starts from the first day of your last period.
How to calculate the conception date?

It is often difficult to say exactly what the conception date is. However, this information is very valuable.

Experts consider that almost no one knows the date of conception with certainty.

To determine approximately how old the baby is, one day that is not exact is taken into account. As a more precise measure, menstruation is used, when everything starts.

After menstruation, sooner or later ovulation will occur. There is a natural average to calculate the ovulation date, which should be within the first 15 days after the menstrual period.

However, a regular cycle can vary. Ovulation can happen on day 9, 11, 14 or 16. Exactly when is not known.

Typically, experts suggest taking into account about six days close to the date of ovulation. If the mother knows her cycle well, it is easier to reach a date.

Despite this, it is noteworthy that there is a margin of error to be taken into account. Next, we’ll describe other mechanisms for calculating the design date.

Calculating the design date

As we said earlier, the main clue to calculate the date of conception is the date of the mother’s last menstrual period.

This calculation allows knowing the gestational age even when the exact day on which conception occurred is unknown.

A woman who has regular cycles can get hard data. However, even in these cases the calculation can fail.

To obtain this date, there are also other mechanisms, such as those listed below:

conception date


Just five weeks after the mother’s last period, the embryo can be measured. This measurement is performed using ultrasonography, which is capable of measuring specific parts of the



No matter what the baby’s final weight and measurement will be, they all measure the same for the first few weeks. Therefore, measurements taken in the first 18 weeks are very accurate.

This test is the most suitable when it comes to a woman with an irregular menstrual cycle. In addition, it also allows to clarify doubts in cases where the mother is not sure of the date due to the presence of bleeding.

Some women confuse implantation bleeding with menstruation because they don’t know they are pregnant. However, ultrasound does not fail.

Estimated a date

Considering a normal pregnancy, in a regular woman, the most common conception date that exists is between the 11th and 21st days since the last menstrual period.

We know that the exact date of ovulation is difficult to determine. So it is estimated.

baby growth

To find out the baby’s age, the growth factor has its pros and cons.

Even though measurements are almost always similar according to gestational age, unusual growth can occur. Perhaps the baby is smaller or larger than average.

On some occasions, the size of the uterus does not match the date of the last period. However, the evolution of the pregnancy is a great clue to know the date of conception. Including to estimate the delivery date.

conception date

exact date of conception

In most cases, the exact date of conception is not known due to the circumstances mentioned above. Even so, it is possible to know the exact gestational age.

When a woman undergoes artificial fertilization procedures, the time of conception is determined in advance.

Even if in special cases it is allowed to know more precise details of this process, naturally there is still a mystery around it. It is almost impossible to know when conception took place in a natural way.

Despite the development of special techniques, such as ovulation tests, we are still far from knowing the magic moment of



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