Baby’s Eleventh Month Of Life
In the eleventh month of a baby’s life, he will be more willing to share toys and objects with others.
In addition, the baby will also start to imitate sounds of some animals and things. This means that your cognitive and social skills are developing. On the other hand, the need for socialization will increase.
In the eleventh month of a baby’s life, he begins to learn many things. He shows great curiosity for everything around him, becomes an explorer and his desire to learn grows.
Feeding in the eleventh month of the baby’s life
At this age, the skills that the baby demonstrates are incredible, as it is evident that it was possible to develop coordination between the hands and the mouth. In other words, babies make many movements with great ease because they can hold food to bring to their mouth.
They are also capable of biting food with their teeth or, in cases where they have not yet appeared, they are able to chew with their gums. Therefore, they can start to ingest more protein with soups and fruit juices, as well as yogurt and vegetables in their diet.
How do sleep and activities develop at eleven months?
- At this stage of life, babies tend to sleep a lot. Despite this, in some cases it is unpredictable as this situation can vary.
- It is normal that mature sleep is not achieved until 5 or 6 years of age. That’s why it’s quite common for babies at this age to keep waking up frequently. Regardless of whether they are boys or girls.
- It is the stage when babies start to recognize themselves, start to establish visual and physical contact with other people, with the people who take care of them and with everyone around them.
- Also, at this age, babies start to move around more easily.
- They can manipulate objects and crawl independently. Furthermore, they manage to get by with more ease and skill.
- At eleven months, babies also begin to have the urge to try to walk alone, unaided.
What is the baby’s neurological development at this age?
From the eleventh month of life, there is an increase in the production of myelin (white substance). The number of neurons (grey matter) will also have increased.
At eleven months of age, babies acquire or develop the following skills:
- Sedtation. That is, babies start to sit up. Your movements are quick and better coordinated.
- The first two-syllable words with purpose also begin.
- The ability to explore their surroundings.
- They begin to take their first steps with the support of people or objects.
- They hold objects more easily.
- They distinguish some people and manage to differentiate between known and unknown people.
- They also start to speak the first words.
Activities and Skills
At eleven months of age, a baby usually starts pointing with his index finger, putting his fingers in holes and cracks, and exploring through touch.
Acquire the ability to differentiate objects and point to them. Also, the baby acquires the ability to throw a ball, place objects in a box and hold the spoon by the handle.
Your achievements lead you to express your emotions. Therefore, the baby will start clapping, laughing, among other skills. He imitates all the sounds he hears and uses his voice to get attention instead of crying.
It also helps when you’re getting dressed : stretch your arms to put on a blouse or offer your feet to put on or take off your shoes. At this stage, when the baby is playing, he hides his face to play hide-and-seek.
Differentiate daddy from mommy and identify them correctly. It is also beginning to have a better mastery of abstract knowledge, such as:
- Up and down.
- Numbers 1 and 2.
- Answer the question: Where is Daddy?
- Answers the question: Where are the baby’s feet?
All of these new activities are demonstrations of the skills that are developed in the baby’s eleventh month of life.