23rd Week Of Pregnancy
Although a woman must take care of herself throughout the entire pregnancy process, in the 23rd week of pregnancy, it is necessary to be more careful with everything that requires physical effort, as this directly affects the development of the baby’s lungs.
During the 23rd week of pregnancy, the baby measures eleven centimeters and weighs approximately half a kilo. Generally speaking, the fetus is the size of a large mango. At this stage, the mother will be able to feel the movements inside the belly. It should be noted that it is possible to stimulate the baby’s movements through music or other stimuli.
Fetus characteristics
At this stage, babies already have a pink coloration, regardless of the color of their eyes and skin at birth. This week they are also very wrinkled. The baby’s skin is still very thin and the veins are very evident. True skin color comes in your first year of life.
developing lungs
During the 23rd week, the lungs are in full development, although it still takes several months for them to be fully formed. This is why it is of great importance that the mother avoid making any effort; that you exercise moderately and try to have a good rest.
sensitive gums
When a woman is pregnant, her tissues have greater blood supply, including those in the mouth. When this occurs, the woman may experience bleeding gums, something known as
of pregnancy.
Although the woman has these discomforts, she should continue to brush her teeth carefully and floss. If you notice that your gingivitis gets worse, then you should see a specialist. Periodontitis is one of the most serious gum diseases; that’s when the bone gets infected. Therefore, it is important to seek medical advice as soon as possible if your problem worsens.
The mother in the 23rd week of pregnancy
At that moment, the body presents a great number of alterations and the headaches diminish. Women have headaches caused by
hormonal changes
and circulation. Nasal congestion is also to blame for pain.
swelling in the body
In the 23rd week of pregnancy a woman also experiences swelling in her body. The ankles and feet are often swollen, this is called edema and is due to changes in blood chemistry.
the uterus expands
Throughout the 23rd week of pregnancy, the uterus expands. When the uterus grows, the veins are pressed, causing pressure on the veins and poor circulation in the legs. Edema usually gets worse during the day but disappears after delivery. This also makes the woman urinate more after giving birth.
Excess liquids
Excess fluid from the 23rd week of pregnancy is eliminated after delivery. A woman tends to urinate more than usual. In this way the body eliminates the accumulated liquid. Although women experience many hormonal changes, they all return to normal after giving birth.
What form does the baby take in the 23rd week of pregnancy?
During the 23rd week of pregnancy, the baby is still very small, but its shape is already complete. After the 23rd week, it continues to form inside and strengthen the organs. This week, the eyebrows and hair take on the color that is in the DNA.
Fetal stretches
This week, the fetus does various stretches such as yawning, sleeping, and stretching. Your muscles are already much more developed, as are your ear organs. As a result, the baby will respond to ambient sounds. Over time you will be able to distinguish each sound and remember them.
Pregnancy can proceed satisfactorily, depending on how the mother takes care of herself. The mother must eat healthy foods and follow a balanced and varied diet. The most important thing is to consume foods rich in vitamins and nutrients. The diet should include fruits, cereals, vegetables, legumes and dairy products. It is always necessary to take into account the great nutritional value of fish.
A balanced diet includes consuming sufficient amounts of milk and drinking plenty of water. Vegetables and vegetables are essential, as are low-sugar juices. It is important for the mother to avoid drinking coffee and liquor drinks.
Recommended Vitamin Supplements
For the diet to be complete, supplements must be consumed. Vitamin supplements must be prescribed by the physician and must include calcium. It is essential to consume folic acid during pregnancy, along with minerals and vitamins.
Benefits of Iodine and Iron
In the 23rd week of pregnancy it is essential to consume iron and iodine, in this way the fetus will benefit. For the fetus to develop properly, it needs a lot of nutrients. When the mother stops consuming vitamins, the fetus suffers malformations and problems. That’s why a woman must take great care of her diet.
The expectant mother must have constant medical check-ups . In this way, she will monitor your pregnancy. It is important that you wear proper clothing, avoid tight clothing or that tighten your abdomen. This week, many changes happen, the woman must take even more care of her skin.
Sleep during the 23rd week of pregnancy
During the 23rd week of pregnancy, sleep is impaired. Even so, it is important for the woman to try to sleep. To reconcile sleep, you can drink apple tea before bed. In addition, it is recommended to avoid, in any case, taking sleep medications, as they tend to addict the organism and cause other problems.